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"The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth." ~ Erasmus

Education Committee

Meetings are held virtually on the 3rd Tues, monthly at 12:00 PM

Contact chairperson

Christine Bramuchi


for information on how to join the group, log into the meetings and participate.

GOALS--Educate the public about the values, benefits, and importance of fully funding public schools. Advocate that all schools receiving public support in Florida be held to the same assessment and accountability standards as public schools.

2024-25 PLAN

  1. Conduct Awareness Campaigns on education trends
  2. Continue Harvard Case Method Project--2.1 Host case study events for the community
  3. Educate voters on state and school board elections, and community action to save DEI initiatives
  4. Collaborate with partner organizations and regional Leagues
  5. Attend, Monitor, and Respond to--5.1 School Board--5.2 Florida Legislative Session

We study issues, lobby legislators and school boards and take action to seek positive changes for our students.

Our research on funding, testing, and the overall strength of Orange County's schools is invaluable as we also assist the county's educational leaders.

The committee has the advantage of having both seasoned and new members. Many of our committee members are student or employee alumni of OCPS. All members are advocates for a quality, full funded public education for all students.

Florida League Education Positions and Action Issues

The League Supports:

The League of Women Voters of Florida supports a free public-school system for Florida with high standards for student achievement and with quality of educational opportunity for all that is financed adequately by the state through an equitable funding formula.

Issues for Action:

  • Promote adequate funding of public education with no use of public funding for the expansion of funding of private education through a voucher program.
  • Support a curricular framework that includes broad common standards developed by educational experts that serves as a guide to local districts.
  • Support the increased oversite of the development and implementation of charter school contracts with regard to administrative fees, facility contracts, teacher salaries and benefits, and instructional innovation, independence of charter board members, and unmet need in the district.
  • Support a statewide assessment and accountability system that provides valid data and appropriate intervals to measure student progress for all students and schools that receive public funds directly and indirectly. Data should be used to identify areas where increased support is needed.
  • Support higher standards for early childhood education staff and programs.


-From Study and Action 2019-2021, p. 69