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HomeAffordable Housing



Affordable Housing Committee


Contact chairperson Samia Solh for information on how to join the group, log into the meetings and participate.

GOALS--Advocate to fund housing initiatives that increase housing stability in Orange County for all income levels. Our goal is to support enhancing the quality of life for Orange County citizens by focusing on housing access and affordability.

The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home ~ Confucius


  1. Advocate for local government and development solutions to address the shortage of affordable housing in Orange County
  2. Educate the public on workforce development solutions that impact housing by collaborating with the HT team on a forum.
  3. Create and share an FAQ on Affordable Housing to inform and educate. 
  4. Collaborate with partner organizations and regional Leagues to increase impact.
  5. Continue member outreach to expand the committee
  6. Expand committee knowledge by inviting AH subject matter experts to committee meetings.

Sadowski Funds

Our committee is advocating for full funding for Florida’s affordable housing programs from the existing Sadowski Funds. 

Learn more about this important program HERE.

Contact your legislator -  Sadowski Coalition Toolkit link

Educate yourself on Florida Housing statistics – read the 2020 Home Matters report from the Florida Housing Coalition HERE

Attend our committee meetings to stay updated and learn about our local initiatives to increase our affordable housing supply.

Affordable housing is important – not just to those who need it, but for our entire state. Click on the video to learn who needs affordable, who builds it, where the funding comes from and how it works in this short, but informative clip.
